Saturday, December 18, 2010

House sitting vacancies-How do I find them?

It's probably a little hard to believe but house sitting vacancies truly are available. Have you thought about trying it and wondered where to find these kinds of jobs? So what exactly is house sitting?

A good way to think of it is like this. You are meeting a need for a property owner in exchange for living rent free in some of the most beautiful places in the world. It really doesn't get any better than this.

The wealthy folks in the world have the luxury of being able to live anywhere they want. Most of the rest of us can only dream about places like that. That's why house sitting jobs available are such a great deal for common people like you and I.

The homeowner has someone occupying their property while they are away. It's peace of mind for them knowing that a reliable person is looking after things for them. Being reliable and trustworthy goes a long way in this kind of a relationship. That's what the homeowner wants and expects. Can you blame them?

Having your qualifications and references available is extremely critical. In a way, you are selling yourself to the homeowner and showing them that they can count on you. Keep in mind that they are asking the question: is this person going to be responsible and serious about taking care of my house?

Think of house sitting vacancies as a "help wanted advertisement. Treating it like a job should be your first priority because it is. Having the luxury of living in some fantastic places is your "payment" for providing a service.

If you keep those things in mind, your house sitting experience will be a wonderful experience.

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